Monday, May 21, 2012

Caballo Blanco and Friends

I think I mentioned a few times on this blog how much influence Christopher McDougall's book "Born to Run" had on me and how the stories and characters I took from that book really stayed with me and helped me push farther and farther. It was with great sadness that I heard bout Micah True aka "Caballo Blanco" passing a few months ago as I was hoping to meet him one day. The New York Times published yesterday the most epic recollection of Caballo's life moments and events that led to the discovery of his body in the Mexican desert where his heart gave up in a last 12 mile run, entitled "Caballo Blanco's Last Run". I highly suggest reading this article as it's considered a very accurate depiction of the man, the legend that will always be Micah True .

While perusing the web, reading his friends' memories from the times they spent together, I also came across this video featuring Scott Jurek, Micah True, Christopher McDougall and of course, the Tarahumara runners. Although short and centered around Scott Jurek, one of the best ultrarunners of all times, it gives a short glimpse into Micah True's life and character. RIP, Micah.

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